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Key to Menispermaceae

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1 Leaves not peltate, usually cordate (the petiole attached at the leaf margin); stamens 6 or 12; petals 6 or 0.
  2 Leaves 3-7-lobed, the sinuses usually deep, the lobes acute; stamens 12; petals 0; fruit bluish-black, 13-25 mm long; stone concave on one side
  2 Leaves entire to 3-lobed, the sinuses always shallow, the lobes (if present) broadly rounded; stamens 6; petals 6; fruit red or bluish-black, 4-8 mm long; stone flattened on both sides
1 Leaves peltate but far off-center (the petiole attached 1-5 mm in from the leaf margin); stamens 4 or 12-36; petals 1, 4, or 6-9.
    3 Leaves unlobed, with 3-7 palmate veins; leaf blade glabrous or sparsely to densely tomentose on the upper and lower surfaces; pistil 1; stamens 2-6; [of s. peninsular FL]
    3 Leaves (at least the larger) with 3-5 (-7) shallow, palmate lobes and the same number of palmate veins; leaf blade glabrous or with scattered hairs; fruits blue-black, glabrous; pistils (2-) 3 (-4); stamens 12-36; [of n. FL northwards]