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Key to Asteraceae, Key B: herbaceous composites with opposite or whorled leaves
and discoid or disciform heads (lacking ray florets)
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1 Pappus present, of 5-60 barbellate bristles; receptacle naked (without paleae or well-developed bristles); [tribe Heliantheae; subtribe Eupatoriae]. | |
2 Plant stiffly erect to sprawling but never twining, phyllaries and disk florets usually > 4 per head. | |
11 Phyllaries not strongly imbricate, with the principal ones subequal and sub-biseriate; petioles 0.5-10 cm | |
11 Phyllaries clearly imbricate, in 3+ series, the margins usually glandular; some species epetiolate | |
1 Pappus either absent, or of scales, setae, or awns; receptacle naked, paleate, or bearing bristles. | |
16 Leaves petiolate; corolla tube glabrous, typically blue or lavender colored (sometimes white tinged); heads with 20-125 florets; [naturalized exotics or s. FL native] | |
16 Leaves sessile; corolla tube glandular-pubescent, typically white colored (sometimes pink-purple tinged); heads with 75-125 florets; [s. TX native] | |
15 Heads with 10-30 florets (or fewer in Schkuhria); leaves entire; [natives, of FL, s. GA, MS, and TX in our area]; [tribe Heliantheae; subtribe Chaenactidinae]. | |
19 Heads bright yellow, closely aggregated into corymbiform arrays of flat-topped to dome-shaped glomerules | |
20 Heads in paniculiform arrays, all or most of the heads not subtended by bracts | |
22 Heads small, less than 1 cm in diameter at anthesis (the female heads enlarging in Xanthium); disc florets dull white or suffused with green or purple; florets mainly unisexual (either in the same heads and then males central and females peripheral, or in separate female and male heads); female florets 0-8 per head; [tribe Heliantheae; subtribe Ambrosiinae]. | |
23 Heads unisexual; cypselas shed within an indurated bur or “nut” with hooked or straight spines developed from the phyllaries and/or paleae. | |
24 Involucre of the female heads with tubercles or straight spines developing from the phyllaries; burs 1-8 mm long | |
24 Involucre of the female heads with hooked spines developing from the phyllaries/paleae; burs 10-35 mm long | |
23 Heads bisexual, with functionally male and female flowers in the same head; cypselas shed individually, not enclosed. | |
25 Heads in paniculiform arrays, all or most of the heads not subtended by bracts | |
27 Disc flowers bright yellow or reddish-brown. | |
28 Involucre of phyllaries subtended by a calyculus of bracts obviously different in color, texture, and shape than the phyllaries. | |
28 Involucre of phyllaries not subtended by a calyculus (phyllaries sometimes in 2+ series, but without obvious calyculi below). | |
30 Plants erect; heads without ray florets; [wet pine savannas and bogs; FL panhandle] | |
27 Disc flowers bright white or pale yellow. | |
31 Stems not winged; plants erect or spreading. | |
Key to Asteraceae, Key G: Herbaceous composites with the leaves alternate, the heads lacking rays, and with 0 pappus
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1 Receptacle paleate (bearing receptacular bracts which individually subtend at least some of the flowers of the head). | |
2 Involucres absent or vestigial, usually with 0 phyllaries; heads very small, < 6 mm high, < 4 mm wide; annuals, < 4 dm tall; disc corollas hidden or dingy in color; [tribe Gnaphalieae] | |
2 Involucres present, conspicuous, of many phyllaries; heads larger, 2-20+ mm wide; perennials or coarse annuals, 2-25 dm tall; disc corollas apparent, yellow, white, or pink to purplish. | |
6 Disc flowers white or whitish to pink or purple; [collectively widespread]. | |
8 Heads in corymbiform arrays; heads bisexual; involucres not burlike or nutlike, lacking tubercles or hooked or straight prickles or spines; leaves lanceolate, unlobed, cuneate at base | |
8 Heads in spiciform or racemiform arrays; heads unisexual (each head either with only female or only male flowers); involucres burlike, with tubercles or straight or hooked spines or prickles; leaves ovate or broader (in outline), often pinnatifid or bipinnatifid, truncate, cordate, or cuneate at base; [collectively widespread in our region]. | |
10 Involucres of pistillate heads (burs) 1-4 mm long, with (1-) 5-12+ straight spines; larger leaves bipinnatifid | |
10 Involucres of pistillate heads (burs) 10-40 mm long, with 30-75+ hooked prickles; phyllaries larger leaves pinnatifid or unlobed | |
1 Receptacle epaleate (lacking receptacular bracts individually subtending flowers, but the receptacle sometimes bearing bristles, setae, hairs, or pits with laciniate margins. | |
12 Annuals, (1-) 2-10 (-30+) cm tall; corollas whitish, inconspicuous, absent on most of the (pistillate) flowers; leaves 2-3× pinnati-palmately lobed into linear segments; cypselae with an apical spine | |
12 Perennials, 10-150 cm tall; corollas at least light pink and often darker pink, purple, or blue, conspicuous, present on all flowers; leaves pinnately lobed or entire, the segments not linear; cypselae not spined. | |
13 Heads ovoid, 10-21 mm long; flowers 15-40 mm long, with long, narrow lobes; phyllaries >30, in 6+ series, and the apices often with a fringe of appendages and/or a spine tip; basal and lower stem leaves usually pinnately lobed (to entire and unlobed); [widespread in our region, especially northwards] | |
13 Heads cylindrical, 2-6 mm long; flowers ca. 3 mm long, with deltate lobes; phyllaries 12-15 in 2-3 series, herbaceous and unadorned; basal and lower stem leaves entire and unlobed; [Coastal Plain of FL and GA] | |
14 Leaf blades unlobed. | |
15 Heads (3-) 5-20+ mm in diameter, solitary or borne in corymbiform or paniculiform arrays; plants 1.5-15 dm tall. | |
18 Disc corollas greenish yellow, 1.1-1.3 mm long; fresh plants pineapple-scented; [common weed, especially northwards in our region] | |
17 Perennial, biennial or annual 4-15 dm tall. | |
19 Heads borne in paniculiform, racemiform, or spiciform arrays, never flat-topped; flowers < 50 per head | |