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Key to Asplenium
1 Leaves pinnatifid (at least in the lower half of the leaf), pinnate, pinnate-pinnatifid, bipinnate, or tripinnate, the apex obtuse, acute, acuminate, or attenuate; veins free. | |
6 Rachis shiny black or dark brown throughout its length; rachis not grooved on its upper surface; leaves pinnate, the outline of the leaf blade linear, lanceolate, or oblanceolate, with more-or-less parallel sides for much of its length. | |
7 Pinnae orbicular to obovate-oblong, 1-2× as long as wide, the base more-or-less symmetrical (if auriculate, only slightly so and on the side of the pinna toward the base of the leaf); old leaf rachises often with persistent projections left from the disarticulation of the pinnae; [VI. A. trichomanes clade; A. trichomanes subclade]. | |
8 Sori 4-9 (-12) per pinna, up to 3 mm long; rhizome scales up to 5 mm long; petiole relatively thicker, blackish-brown; pinnae mostly opposite, oblong, spaced more closely, thicker in texture, set at a nearly right angle to the rachis, rarely at all auriculate; spores mostly 34-43 μ long; stomate guard cells mostly 41-49 μ long; [of calcareous rocks] | |
8 Sori 4-6 (-9) per pinna, up to 2 mm long; rhizome scales up to 3 mm long; petiole relatively thin, shiny, coppery or bronze; pinnae mostly alternate, suborbicular, spaced more distantly, thinner in texture, set at a fairly oblique angle to the rachis, often slightly auriculate on the side of the pinna toward the leaf base; spores mostly 29-36 μ long; stomate guard cells mostly 38-43 μ long; [mostly of noncalcareous rocks] | |
7 Pinnae oblong-rectangular, 2× or more as long as wide, the base asymmetrical or auricled (more prominently auricled on the side of the pinna toward the tip of the leaf); old leaf rachises lacking persistent projections left from the disarticulation of the pinnae. | |
12 Pinna margins crenate to serrate; pinna base lacking an auricle, or the auricle rudimentary; veins evident; spores 64 per sporangium | |
6 Rachis dull green throughout its length, or at least toward the tip; rachis grooved on the upper surface, at least in the green portion; leaves pinnatifid to tripinnate, the outline of the leaf blade narrowly to broadly triangular, widest at the base (or slightly above the base in A. abscissum) (except A. dentatum). | |
14 Leaves bipinnate at the base, pinnate-pinnatifid above; spores normal; [XI. Pleurosorus clade; Onopteris subclade] | |
14 Leaves pinnate at the base, pinnatifid above; spores abortive (or normal in A. tutwilerae, known only from Hale County, AL); [V. Schaffneria clade; reticulation between two subclades]. | |
16 Leaves pinnatifid or 1-pinnate through most or all of their lengths (sometimes pinnate-pinnatifid at the base of the leaf). | |
17 Leaves pinnate (sometimes pinnate-pinnatifid at the base of the leaf in A. ×trudellii and A. dentatum); spores normal or abortive. | |
18 Pinnae 1-8 on each side of the rachis below the merely pinnatifidly lobed upper half of the leaf; blades deltoid to broadly isosceles-triangular, 1-3× as long as wide; [of FL and rarely n. AL]. | |
18 Pinnae 5-35 on each side of the rachis; blades lanceolate or linear, 4-7× as long as wide; [collectively widespread]. | |
20 Pinnae lanceolate, 3-10× as long as wide, with an acroscopic auricle at the base of the larger pinnae; epiphytic on bark; [of FL peninsula]; [I. A. erosum clade] | |
21 Leaf blade outline with nearly parallel margins, with a blunt tip; spores normal; on moist outcrops of limestone; [of FL peninsula] | |
21 Leaf blade outline tapering evenly from near or at the base, with a long-attenuated tip; spores abortive; on moist outcrops of felsic sedimentary or metamorphic rocks, such as sandstone, phyllite, schist; [inland from nc. GA and nc. AL northwards] | |
23 Petiole darkened toward the base; pinnules toothed, lacerate, pinnatifid, or pinnate; leaves bipinnate to tripinnate, the leaf blades lanceolate-ovate to lanceolate-oblong; ultimate leaf segments sessile or nearly so; [of acidic rocks] ; [XI. Pleurosorus clade; Onopteris subclade] | |
23 Petiole entirely green; pinnules toothed; leaves bipinnate, the leaf blades ovate-triangular; ultimate leaf segments mostly stalked; [of calcareous rocks]; [XI. Pleurosorus clade; Pleurosorus subclade] | |
22 [Coastal Plain and southern, of FL]; [VIII. Asplenium clade]. | |
24 Rachis darkened, at least in its lower portion. | |
25 Leaves 2-pinnate basally and pinnate-pinnatifid upwards; spores of different and irregular shapes and sizes | |
24 Rachis green throughout. | |
26 Leaves 2-pinnate only basally, mostly pinnate-pinnatifid to merely pinnate upwards; spores of different and irregular shapes and sizes |