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Key to Cyperus, Key E: Key to subgenus Cyperus – stigmas 3; achenes trigonous; spikelets borne in spikes on a well-developed rachis;
rachilla continuous, or articulate only at the base
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1 Leaf blades absent; culms 15-50 mm thick, nearly terete; inflorescence open and diffuse, primary rays 10-30 cm long, bearing numerous 2nd and 3rd order rays up to 20 cm long and bracts to 25 cm long, often drooping; anther connectives subulate, projected beyond the anther 0.2-0.5 mm; [exotics, commonly cultivated, rarely naturalizing]; [subgenus Cyperus, section Papyrus] | |
1 Leaf blades well-developed (except C. articulatus); culms < 20mm thick, trigonous if broader than 5 mm; inflorescence smaller, more congested (except C. prolixus); anther connectives not prolonged. | |
3 Spikelets quadrangular to subterete, 1-1.5× as wide as thick; floral scales 1-8, persistent and tightly appressed (rarely slightly ascending); rachilla articulate at the base, the whole spikelet falling as a unit at maturity | |
3 Spikelets compressed-quadrangular or compressed-subterete, mostly 2× or more as wide as thick (less compressed in C. erythrorhizos and some forms of C. esculentus and C. rotundus); scales 1-many, deciduous or persistent; rachilla persistent or deciduous after the scales. | |
4 Spikes long-cylindric, with (25-) 35-80+ spikelets, and well-developed branches or 2nd order rays; scales deciduous, minute, (1.1-) 1.3-1.8 mm long, (6-) 12-20 (-30) per spikelet; spikelets quadrangular, slightly compressed (subterete in C. alopecuroides); achenes (0.4) 0.7-1 (-1.2) mm long, often moderately dorsiventrally compressed or plano-convex; plants coarse perennials, culms 5-25 dm tall, 5-50 mm in diameter (C. erythrorhizos keyed under both leads). | |
5 Stigmas 2, or 2 and 3 on a plant; spikes narrowly cylindric, the rachis obscured by the densely packed, ascending, imbricate spikelets; spikelets subterete, somewhat compressed, ovoid to oblong; rachilla wings absent to 0.1 mm wide; achene lenticular, its face against the rachilla [rare waif, FL]; [section Alopecuroides] | |
5 Stigmas 3; spikes less dense, spikelets spreading to divaricate; spikelets quadrangular, linear; rachilla winged, wings 0.3 mm wide; achenes not as above [collectively widespread]; [section Fastigiati]. | |
4 Spikes not as above; scales persistent or deciduous, mostly > 1.8 mm long (except sections Iriodei and Aristati); achenes > 1 mm long, trigonous (dorsiventrally compressed in C. nipponicus and C. serotinus); culms mostly < 10 dm tall, < 7.5 mm in diameter (except C. prolixus). | |
7 Spikelets 1.2-1.5 (-1.6)mm wide, only compressed proximally, filiform distally; adjacent scales spaced apart on the same side of the rachilla; rachilla wings absent or very reduced; [subgenus Cyperus, section Distantes] | |
8 Scales strongly 5-nerved, obovate-orbiculate, 1-1.5 mm long, divaricate, scarcely overlapping, apex emarginate and mucronulate; style < 0.1 mm long; inflorescence diffuse, secondary rays present, spikelets widely spaced on elongate rachises; [weedy exotics]; [section Iriodei] | |
8 Scales variously nerved, but at least 1.8 mm long (if shorter, with an excurved cusp > 0.5 mm long), not emarginate; style at least 0.5 mm long; inflorescence generally more congested. | |
10 Scales cuspidate to awned, midrib excurrent at least 0.3 mm, conspicuously excurved (straight in C. compressus and C. nipponicus); plants either diminutive fibrous-rooted annuals, culms often decumbent, or cespitose perennials (section Elegantes) with involute leaves and vegetative parts viscid (sticky). | |
11 Stigmas 2; achenes dorsiventrally compressed; spikelets subterete, elliptic in ×-section; [subgenus Juncellus, section Stoloniferi] | |
Key to Cyperus, Key ZE: Key to Cyperus, subgenus Cyperus of various affinities -- Spikelets compressed; scales deciduous or persistent; rachilla persistent or deciduous after the scales
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2 Rays absent, inflorescence a single globose spike, rachis only 1-3 mm long; scales 1.5-2.2 mm long; achenes 1-1.2 mm long, glabrous, puncticulate, or papillose; leaves and bracts 1-2.5 mm wide; culms 0.5-1 mm in diameter; [section Laxiglumi] | |
2 Rays present, inflorescence of multiple well-developed spikes, though often very congested; scales 2.5-3 mm long; achenes 1.3-2 mm long, coarsely punctate; leaves and bracts (1.5-) 3-10 mm wide; culms 0.8-2.6 mm in diameter; [section Thunbergiani] | |
1 Culms and leaves green, not glaucous; scales divaricate to closely imbricate, mostly greenish, light brown, or straw-colored (except C. rotundus and C. setigerus); [more widespread]. | |
3 Rachilla wingless (except C. prolixus and C. grayi); spikelets at maturity 2-4 mm wide, scales divaricate (the spikelet appearing coarsely serrate in outline). | |
4 Rachis hispidulous; spikes loosely oblong-ovoid, with spikelets spreading, the elongate, well-developed rachis clearly visible; scales 1.8-2 mm long, light brown to yellowish; achenes 1-1.2 mm long; [sect. Proceri] | |
5 Rays compressed; plants robust, up to 2m tall; inflorescence diffuse, 2nd-order rays present, erect, 1-10 cm long, usually bearing well-developed 3d-order rays 0.5-5 cm long; [sect. Distantes] | |
5 Rays terete to trigonous; plants mostly less robust, to 1m tall; inflorescence more compact, 2nd- and 3rd-order rays absent or poorly developed. | |
6 Plants robust, culms 40-100 cm tall, sharply trigonous, scabrid to hirtellate on the angles; spikes very densely ovoid, with 25-50+ spikelets, subtended by well-developed secondary bracts and often branched at the base; achenes 1.0-1.2 mm long, ellipsoid, <1/2 as long as the scales; [coastal prairies; LA, TX]; [sect. Thunbergiani] | |
6 Plants smaller, culms to 50 cm tall, terete to trigonous, not scabrid (except C. schweinitzii); spikes relatively loose, with 3-24 spikelets, unbranched and lacking secondary bracts; achenes 1.5-2.2 mm long, mostly ≥ 1/2 as long as the scales; [dry, sandy or rocky soils; collectively widespread]; [sect. Laxiglumi]. | |
7 Inflorescence bracts deflexed (to horizontal); spikelets in a single sessile hemispheric to globose capitate cluster, or with an additional 1-4 smaller pedunculate spikes, these densely globose with an obscure rachis < 6 mm long; [Cyperus lupulinus complex] | |
7 Inflorescence bracts horizontal to erect; spikes primarily pedunculate, loosely globose, densely ovoid, or more elongate. | |
13 Scales 1.8-4.5 (-6) mm, deciduous or persistent; spikes ovoid, with (2-) 3-50 spikelets; stoloniferous, rhizomatous, cormose-based, or (C. sphacelatus) cespitose perennials. | |
15 Scales pale yellowish to brown or deep purple, persistent or deciduous; plants with well-developed rhizomes or stolons; anthers 1-2.5 mm long, styles (0.7-) 1-3.6 mm long, stigmas (1.2-) 1.8-6 mm long; [collectively widespread]; [section Cyperus]. | |
17 Scales persistent, 1.8-3.4 mm long, mostly yellowish or dark glossy purplish; plants mostly 1-6 dm tall (rarely taller in C. esculentus), with slender stolons 1-2 mm in diameter, these producing terminal tubers; achenes ellipsoid or not maturing. | |