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Key to Matelea
1 Plant a twining herbaceous vine, with stems 1-2 m long at maturity; leaf blades 7-27 cm long; cymes borne on peduncles; flowers (2-) 9-19 (-53) per inflorescence, except M. alabamensis, with (1-) 4-5) (-12) flowers per inflorescence; upper (inner) surface of the petals glabrous; [various habitats, but more mesic, collectively widespread in our area]. | |
2 Inflorescence with 1-12 flowers, averaging 4-5; corolla light green, reticulated with darker green; corona disc-shaped, smooth or with obscure ridges (lacking 5 pairs of appendages); [mesic slopes of s. GA, Panhandle FL, and s. AL] | |
2 Inflorescence with 2-53 flowers, averaging 9-19; corolla white, yellow, rose, or maroon (or greenish and reticulate in M. flavidula); corona cup-shaped, either 5-lobed (each with 4 teeth) (M. floridana), or 10-lobed with 5 short broad lobes alternating with 5 narrower 2-toothed lobes; [collectively widespread]. | |
5 Corolla dark maroon (rarely maroon-yellow or yellow), not reticulate with darker veins; paired corona appendages always higher than the alternating corona lobes | |
5 Corolla green, green-yellow, or yellow (rarely rosy or olive-maroon), reticulate with darker green veins; paired corona appendages about as high as the alternating corona lobes | |