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Key to Carex, [26q] Section 12 Ovales: section Ovales

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1 Pistillate scales uniformly as long as or longer than the mature perigynia, usually concealing the beaks (though not necessarily the bodies), apex obtuse to acuminate, not awned.
  2 Perigynium beak cylindric, unwinged, lacking serrations for ca. 0.4 mm below the apex
  2 Perigynium beak flattened, ciliate-serrulate all the way to the apex.
    3 Pistillate scales as wide as and essentially covering perigynia bodies
    3 Pistillate scales usually distinctly narrower than perigynia bodies.
      4 Principal leaves stiff, more-or-less glaucous, often bearing auricles at the base, the summit of the sheaths truncate, prolonged 1-4 mm beyond the collar; flat margins of perigynia 0.5-0.8 mm wide; achenes 1.0-1.2 mm wide; [of maritime dunes and shores]
      4 Principal leaves pliable, green, almost always without auricles, the summit of the sheaths U-shaped, only slightly prolonged beyond the collar; flat margins of perigynia 0.2-0.6 mm wide; achenes 1.0-1.7 mm wide; [of inland, non-maritime habitats].
        5 Perigynia ascending to spreading, strongly and evenly veined on the adaxial face, finely granular-papillose; spikes (3-) 7-15, the uppermost usually densely aggregated
        5 Perigynia erect-ascending, often veinless on the adaxial face or with a few veins of unequal strength, smooth; spikes 3-7 (-11), the uppermost often more-or-less separated
1 Pistillate scales (excluding the awns, if present) shorter than the perigynia at least in the middle portions of the spikes, the apical portion of the pistillate scales narrower than the perigynia beaks and not completely covering them, the apex awned in some species.
          6 Pistillate scales in middle or lower portions of spikes with apex acuminate with subulate or awned tip.
             7 Perigynia 2.6-4.0× as long as wide, the bodies lanceolate, 1.2-2.0 mm wide
               8 Perigynia 0.9-1.2 mm wide; achenes 0.6-0.8 mm wide; inflorescences dense, the lowermost internode 2-3 (-5) mm long
               8 Perigynia 1.2-2 mm wide; achenes 0.7-1.1 mm wide; inflorescences dense to open, the lowermost internode 2-17 mm long.
                 9 Inflorescences dense or open, spikes usually overlapping; pistillate scales acuminate; perigynia usually ascending
             7 Perigynia < 2.5× as long as wide, the bodies lance-ovate, ovate, broadly elliptic, orbiculate, or obovate, 1.8-3.9 mm wide.
                   10 Perigynia (5.8-) 6.0-7.1 mm at longest; perigynium beak 2-2.8 mm long; pistillate scales with apex white-hyaline, acuminate-awned, fragile, membranaceous, and often curled, midvein not extending to tip
                   10 Perigynia (2.3-) 2.5-5.9 (-6.3) mm at longest; perigynium beak 0.85-2.2 (-2.5) mm long; pistillate scales with apex firm, greenish to reddish brown, straight, midvein extending to tip.
                     11 Perigynium body obovate, often with conspicuous “shoulders”; leaves 2.5-6 mm at widest
                     11 Perigynium body elliptic, suborbiculate, or weakly obovate; leaves 1-3 (-4.2) mm at widest.
                       12 Perigynium body cuneately tapered to the base, the body of the perigynium more-or-less diamond-shaped; inflorescences dense, stiffly erect, with 3-5 spikes
                       12 Perigynium body convexly tapered to the base (the base rounded), the body of the perigynium ovate, elliptic, orbiculate, or weakly obovate; inflorescences dense and erect or open and nodding, with 3-11 spikes.
                          13 Scales with white-hyaline or pale yellowish margins; perigynia greenish to straw-colored or pale brown, (2.3-) 2.5-4.0 (-4.2) mm long, often indistinctly 0-4 (-6) veined on the outer side
                          13 Scales with reddish-brown margins; perigynia reddish-brown, (3.8-) 4.0-5.5 mm long, conspicuously veined on the outer side with 5 or more veins.
                            14 Beaks ascending, < ½ the length of the lance-ovate to weakly obovate perigynium body; lateral spikes with acute staminate bases mostly < 2 mm long; [of tidal marshes]
                            14 Beaks widely spreading, > ½ the length of the suborbicular perigynium body; lateral spikes with tapered staminate bases 2-6 mm long; [of freshwater wetlands]
                                16 Perigynia thin, often not winged to the base; leaf sheaths somewhat expanded toward the apex, bearing narrow wings continuous with the midvein and the edges of the leaf blade; leaves 3-7.5 mm wide; vegetative shoots tall, conspicuous, with numerous leaves spaced along the upper half of the culm.
                                  17 Lower perigynia of each spike spreading or recurved (at an angle of > 80 degrees); spikes globose; pistillate scales hidden, 1.6-2.3 mm long
                                  17 Lower perigynia of each spike appressed-ascending to somewhat spreading (at a 30-75 degree angle); spikes subglobose to ovate-oblong; pistillate scales evident, 2.0-3.0 mm long.
                                    18 Inflorescences usually flexible, nodding at the tip, the lower spikes usually separated; perigynia usually 15-40, spreading at a 40-75 degree angle to the spike axis; leaf sheaths firm or friable at the summit
                                    18 Inflorescences straight and stiff, the lower spikes overlapping; perigynia usually > 40, appressed-ascending at a 30-40 degree angle to the spike axis; leaf sheaths firm at the summit.
                                16 Perigynia thick, winged to the base; leaf sheaths with more-or-less rounded edges, not distinctly expanded toward the apex; leaves 1-4.5 mm wide (except in C. normalis); vegetative shoots usually inconspicuous, with relatively few leaves clustered at the tip.
                                         20 Perigynia (2.5-) 2.6-4 × as long as wide, the body lanceolate, distance from beak tip to top of achene 2.2-5 mm
                                           21 Perigynia 0.9-1.2 mm wide; achenes 0.6-0.8 mm wide; inflorescences dense, the lowermost internode 2-3 (-5) mm long
                                           21 Perigynia 1.2-2 mm wide; achenes 0.7-1.1 mm wide; inflorescences dense to open, the lowermost internode 2-17 mm long.
                                         20 Perigynia < 2.5 × as long as wide, the body obovate, orbiculate, or ovate; distance from beak tip to top of achene 0.8-2.2 mm.
                                                    25 Inflorescences on tallest culms compact, 1.5-3 × as long as wide, erect, the spikes overlapping, the lowest internode of the inflorescence 1-6 (-7.5) mm, ½ to 1/5 (-¼) the length of the inflorescence
                                                      26 Achenes 0.6-0.9 mm wide; perigynia veinless or 1-3 veined on the inner face, these faint or basal only; inflorescences < 3.0 cm long
                                                      26 Achenes 0.9-1.3 mm wide; perigynia often 3-veined on the inner face; inflorescences 12-60 mm long.
                                                    25 Inflorescences on tallest culms elongate, more-or-less open toward the base, (2.5-) 3.0-5.1 × as long as wide, often arching or nodding at the tip; spikes more-or-less separate; lowermost internode (5-) 7-19 mm long, mostly 1/5-1/3 (-1/2) the length of the inflorescence.
                                                            29 Sheaths smooth, often whitish-mottled; perigynium beak spreading, exceeding the pistillate scales by 0.7-1.6 mm; beak and shoulders of perigynia greenish to yellowish or greenish brown at maturity
                                                            29 Sheaths, at least some, papillose near the collar (at magnification of 30 ×), not prominently whitish-mottled; perigynium beak appressed or ascending in spikes, exceeding the pistillate scales by 0.0-0.8 mm; beak and shoulders of perigynia straw-colored to reddish-brown at maturity
                                                              30 Spikes either shorter than 12 mm or longer and with either rounded bases or tips or both; perigynium body ovate, elliptic, orbicular, or obovate, or lanceolate (if lanceolate, then shorter than 6 mm long); vegetative culms conspicuous or not.
                                                                 31 Perigynium bodies obovate, widest toward the tip; leaf sheaths green-veined adaxially nearly to the summit, or with a narrow Y-shaped hyaline area.
                                                                         35 Sheaths smooth, summits concave, only reaching base of leaf blade; pistillate scales yellowish to reddish brown; [Interior Highlands and adjacent provinces, AR, LA, OK, and ne. TX]
                                                                 31 Perigynium bodies lanceolate, ovate, elliptic, orbicular, or reniform, widest at the middle or toward the base; leaf sheaths various, some with prominent hyaline band near the apex adaxially.
                                                                                  39 Plants colonial, from creeping rhizomes; vegetative culms numerous, conspicuous, strongly 3-ranked, with 15-35 leaves when fully-developed; achenes 1.6-2 × as long as wide; larger spikes with 5-25 (-30) perigynia
                                                                                  39 Plants clumping; vegetative culms few, inconspicuous, usually with fewer than 15 leaves, not strikingly 3-ranked; achenes 1-1.6 (-1.7) × as long as wide; larger spikes with 15-80 perigynia.
                                                                                      41 Perigynia 5.5-8.0 (-8.7) × (3.1-) 3.3-6.3 mm at largest (except sometimes in C. bicknellii and C. shinnersii), often prominently bulged on both faces; beak (1.4-) 1.6-2.5 (-3.4) mm long.
                                                                                        42 Perigynia 3.5-6.3 mm at widest, veinless over achenes adaxially or nearly so; at least proximal staminate scales, especially of terminal spike and sometimes proximal pistillate scales, with midvein excurrent as scabrous awn 0.1-0.9(-2.4) mm; larger culms with 2-4(-5) spikes
                                                                                           43 Leaf sheaths finely papillose, at least near apex; perigynia membranaceous, with brown achene clearly visible through hyaline adaxial face, usually with reddish brown tinged wings, strongly, evenly 4-8-veined adaxially over achene; pistillate scales usually reddish brown; anthers (2.4-)2.8-4.2 mm; plants in small clumps (usually fewer than 25 culms) in dry to mesic habitats
                                                                                           43 Leaf sheaths smooth; perigynia herbaceous, opaque, with achene not clearly visible through adaxial face, with greenish or pale brown wings, finely and irregularly (0-)1-7-veined over achene adaxially; pistillate scales pale yellowish brown to brown; anthers (1.8-)2.2-3.6 mm; plants often in dense, large clumps (to 200 culms) in wet habitats.
                                                                                      41 Perigynia 2.5-5.5 × 2.0-3.6 mm at largest (to 6.1 × 4.4 mm in the Florida endemic C. vexans), prominently bulged by achene only on abaxial face or flat; beak usually 0.7-1.6 (-1.8) mm long.
                                                                                               45 Leaf sheaths green-veined adaxially nearly to the summit; inflorescences dense to somewhat open, erect, the lowermost internode usually < 8 (-12) mm long
                                                                                                   47 Perigynium body narrowly to broadly ovate, greenish; pistillate scales with green midstripe, hyaline or pale margins (rarely brown tinged); leaves 2.5-6.5 mm wide, the sheaths green mottled, with mouth truncate, and prolonged to 2 mm distal to base of the leaf blades
                                                                                                            51 Spikes on larger culms (3-) 5-7 (-11), tapered at the base, the terminal spike with a conspicuous staminate base; inflorescences typically open, 2.5-4.5 (-6.5) cm long, the lowermost internode (3-) 4-13 (-23) mm long; perigynium body (0.7-) 0.9-1.3 × as long as wide.
                                                                                                            51 Spikes on larger culms 2-4 (-5), rounded at the base, the terminal spike usually lacking a conspicuous staminate base; inflorescences compact, 1.2-3.0 (-3.6) cm long, the lowermost internode 1.5-7 (-13) mm long; perigynium body (0.7-) 0.9-1.6 × as long as wide.
                                                                                                                     55 Perigynia veinless or faintly and irregularly 1-5-veined over the achene adaxially, more-or-less orbicular, the bodies (2-) 2.3-3.2 mm long, (0.7-) 0.9-1.1 (-1.3) × as long as wide; pistillate scales mostly acute, about as long as to 0.7 (-0.9) mm shorter than the subtended perigynium (flattened and measured separately)
                                                                                                                     55 Perigynia strongly 4-6-veined over the achene adaxially, broadly ovate to broadly elliptic, (or rarely nearly orbicular), the bodies (2.7-) 3-4 mm long, (0.9-) 1.0-1.6 × as long as wide; pistillate scales mostly obtuse, 0.7-1.7 mm shorter than the subtended perigynium (flattened and measured separately)