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Key to Helianthus, Key C: perennial sunflowers with leafy stems and red disk flowers
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2 Plant 4-7 dm tall; blades of ray flowers 8-9 mm long; leaf blades 3-7.5 cm long | |
2 Plant 15-25 or more dm tall; blades of ray flowers 28-35 mm long; leaf blades 8-21 cm long | |
3 Leaf blades shorter and broader, lanceolate, lance-ovate, deltoid, deltoid-ovate and usually < 5× as long as wide. | |
8 Plants 8-20 dm tall; upper leaves usually alternate; leaf blades oblong-lanceolate to lance-ovate, 8-27 cm long, acuminate at tip | |
Key to Helianthus, Key D: perennial sunflowers with leafy stems and yellow disk flowers
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2 Leaves whorled at principal nodes, either alternate or opposite at other nodes | |
2 Leaves either alternate or opposite (or both), never whorled. | |
4 Rays 10-14; leaves strumose adaxially, rough to the touch; phyllaries 3.5-4.5 mm wide | |
4 Rays 5-10; leaves glabrous or glabrate adaxially, smooth or only slightly rough to the touch; phyllaries 2-3 mm wide | |
7 Leaves abaxially greenish in color, usually tomentulose (sometimes glabrate), with abundant subsessile glandular trichomes | |
9 Anther appendages yellow. | |
10 Leave blade lanceolate to lance-ovate, sessile to petiolate but the petiole usually < ¼ as long as the blade; phyllaries not conspicuously graduated and imbricate, usually loose and spreading | |
9 Anther appendages dark or reddish-brown. | |
11 Plants producing abundant tubers; leaves subsessile, the petioles < 1 cm long; [endemic to the Piedmont of NC and SC] | |
11 Plants rhizomatous, but not producing tubers; leaves petiolate, the petioles 1-5 cm long; [collectively widespread in our area]. | |
15 Leaves conduplicate (strongly folded along the midvein, thus V-shaped in ×-section); leaf margins entire; leaf venation of a single prominent main vein (laterals not readily visible); inflorescence when well developed spiciform or racemose | |
15 Leaves flat or essentially so; leaf margins entire or serrate; leaf venation triplinerved (with a prominent lateral pair of veins near the base); inflorescence not spiciform or racemose. | |
19 Leaves sessile or with a short petiole usually < 2 cm long; blades linear to lanceolate, < 4.5 cm broad; cypselas 3-5 mm long; tubers present or absent. | |
23 Leaf margins conspicuously undulate, the blades narrowly lanceolate to ovate (occasionally linear, if so, usually < 10 cm long), mostly 3-veined (at mid-stem); inflorescences usually with 1-6 heads; plants rhizomatous; pappus scales aristate; [wet habitats, s. SC southward] | |
23 Leaf margins not conspicuously undulate, the blades linear to lanceolate, mostly with a single prominent mid vein (at mid stem, sometimes the lowest leaves 3-veined); inflorescences with 1-16+ heads; plants rhizomatous or not; pappus scales aristate or not; [habitats various, collectively widespread] | |
24 Plants robust, > 1.5 m tall; leaves > 1 cm wide; plants conspicuously rhizomatous | |
24 Plants short, < 1.5 m tall; leaves < 1 cm wide; plants rhizomatous or not. | |
25 Plants usually > 1 m tall at maturity, not rhizomatous (from crowns or caudices); mid-stem leaves 8-20 cm long, alternate or opposite; inflorescences usually of 3-16+ heads; disc florets yellow, red, or purple; pappus scales narrowly lanceolate to aristate (0.1-0.3 mm wide, ≥7x as long as wide), lacking additional irregularly-shaped scales; [widespread] | |
25 Plants usually < 1 m tall at maturity, strongly rhizomatous; mid-stem leaves < 6 (-10) cm long, mostly opposite; inflorescences usually of 1-3 (-10) heads; disc florets yellow; pappus scales deltoid to lanceolate (usually ≥ 0.5mm wide, 1-4× as long as wide), often accompaned by additional irregularly-shaped scales; [Cape Fear Arch region of NC and SC] |