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1 Mid and upper stem leaves > 8× as long as wide; phyllaries tipped with a small, white spine; rays white (to pale pink); involucre 2.5-4.5 (-5) mm high; disc flowers 6-12 (-20) per head; [section Ericoidi] | |
1 Mid and upper stem leaves 2-7× as long as wide; phyllaries not spine-tipped; rays purple, lavender, rose, blue (rarely nearly white); involucre > 5 mm high (except sometimes as short as 4 mm high in S. adnatum of s. GA and FL west to LA); disc flowers (6-) 11-110 per head. | |
2 Stem leaves 0.1-1(-1.3)cm long, either ascending-appressed, appearing adnate to stem, or triangular and deflexed; [of the Coastal Plain]; [section Patentes, series Brachyphylli]. | |
2 Stem leaves mostly ≥1.5 cm long, spreading to erect-ascending; [collectively widespread]. | |
4 Midstem leaves <3cm long, bases rounded to cuneate (sometimes subclasping); leaves and bracts silvery-sericeous (glabrous in S. concolor var. devestitum); leaves held erect-ascending, lower often twisted by 90 degrees to bring edge in line with stem; plants not stipitate-glandular; [section Virgulus]. | |
5 Bracts large, leafy, concealing involucres; plants branched; inflorescences open, involucres mostly terminal or clustered at ends of branches; rays 13-36; cypselas glabrous. | |
6 Phyllaries with lower (outer) surfaces glabrous to glabrate (rarely sparsely to densely sericeous), the margins ciliate with thick-based, spreading hairs 0.5-1.0 mm long (much longer than those of the surfaces); largest phyllaries with terminal, green, pubescent portion 2/3-3/4 as long as the total phyllary length (longer than the proximal, indurated, glabrate portion); middle phyllaries mostly > 8 mm long and > 2.5 mm wide, averaging 9 (-14) mm long × 3 (-5) mm wide; involucre 8-15 mm tall; [mostly of the West Gulf Coastal Plain, disjunct e. to VA and s. GA] | |
6 Phyllaries densely sericeous, the vestiture of the margins similar to that of the surfaces; largest phyllaries with terminal, green, pubescent portion 1/4-1/3 (-1/2) as long as the total phyllary length (shorter than the proximal, indurated, glabrate portion); middle phyllaries mostly < 7 mm long and < 2 mm wide, averaging 6 mm long × 2 mm wide; involucre 7-11 mm tall; [mostly of the Great Plains, s. to ne. TX, nw. AR, and s. IL] | |
7 Phyllaries long-acuminate, spreading to recurved; phyllaries with woolly, tangled hairs; involucre 7-9 mm tall; [c. FL Panhandle] | |
7 Phyllaries acute, appressed; phyllaries either with appressed, straight hairs (moderately to densely sericeous) or glabrous to sparsely pilose; involucre 5-7 mm high; [collectively widespread]. | |
4 Midstem leaves >3cm, bases strongly cordate- or auriculate-clasping or subclasping to cuneate; leaves and bracts scabrous, strigoso-scabrous, or hirtellous; main stem leaves spreading or lax, not twisted; plants stipitate-glandular in arrays (glands sparse in S. fontinale and S. estesii; sometimes absent in S. patens). | |
9 Mid-stem leaves cuneate, rounded, or subclasping; [section Grandiflori]. | |
10 Phyllaries spreading, squarrose, or reflexed; phyllary faces moderately to densely stipitate-glandular (and also often pubescent or scabrous with non-stipitate hairs); heads (5-) 7-12 (-15) mm high; [of dry habitats, of mainly inland provinces, though extending to the Coastal Plain in e. VA, e. NC, and nc. SC]. | |
12 Involucres 4-9 mm high; phyllaries pubescent and stipitate-glandular; lower stem leaves cuneate, rounded, or subclasping; [of calcareous habitats, south to sc. VA, w. NC, nc. AL, n. MS] | |
13 Upper stems, leaves, bracts, and outer phyllaries lacking stipitate glands, inner phyllaries densely stipitate-glandular; involucres (5-)30-150+, 4-6mm high; [interserial hybrid] | |
13 Upper stems, leaves, bracts, and phyllaries usually stipitate-glandular (also hirtellous); involucres 1-30(-70), (5-) 7-9mm high | |
14 Phyllaries with attenuate, loosely spreading tips; disc flowers 50-110; ray flowers (40-) 50-75 (-100); [section Polyliguli] | |
14 Phyllaries with obtuse to acute tips (the inner phyllaries sometimes acuminate, but not attenuate); disc flowers 15-50; ray flowers 9-24 (-30); [section Patentes, series Patentes] | |
15 Involucres 8-10 (-12) mm high; disc flowers 8-10 mm long, white with purplish lobes; heads 4-5 (-6) cm across (ray tip to ray tip), the rays 14-24 mm long; plants strongly rhizomatous, forming clonal colonies with the stems mostly scattered along the rhizome (new stems typically arising at least several cm from the old ones); achenes 2.5-4.0 mm long, pale gray-brown, the trichomes about 0.4 mm long and distributed on and between the ribs; anthers purplish; pollen white | |
15 Involucres 5.5-7.5 (-8.5) mm high (or to 12 mm high in S. patens var patentissimum, barely entering our area in w. KY and w. MS); disc flowers 5.5-8 mm long, either white with purplish lobes or bright yellow; heads 3-4 (-4.5) cm across (ray tip to ray tip), the rays 10-18 (-20) mm long; plants cespitose, generally with 1 or more stems arising from caudices (the new stems arising near the old); achenes 2.0-4.0 mm long, tan, gray, brown, dark-brown, or black, the trichomes various (see below); anthers purplish or yellow; pollen white or yellow. | |
16 Disc flowers white with purplish lobes; stem leaves 7.5-12.5 (-14) cm long, thin in texture, soft-pubescent, the venation apparent, rugose-veiny and wrinkled; anthers purplish; pollen white; achenes 2.5-4.0 mm long, the trichomes concentrated on the ribs, < 0.4 mm long, appressed; [primarily of the Mountains, less commonly the Piedmont, mostly in moist, shady to semi-sunny situations] | |
16 Disc flowers bright yellow; stem leaves (2-) 3-7 (-9) cm long, thick in texture, scabrous, the venation inconspicuous; anthers yellow; pollen yellow; achenes 2.0-3.5 mm long, the trichomes distributed on and between the ribs, mostly > 0.4 mm long, spreading; [collectively widespread in our area, mostly in dry, semi-sunny to sunny situations] | |
17 Involucres broadly turbinate, mostly 8-12 mm long; phyllaries in 4-7 series (grading into bracts), more or less appressed, obtuse to acute, middle ones 1.2-1.7 mm wide (ovate to lanceolate), densely strigillose or sericeous-strigose; plants largely eglandular (except for sparse sessile glands on phyllaries), usually with leaves only ca. 2-3 cm long at mid-stem, developing many long stiff branches with abrupt further reduction in leaf size; [from w. KY and w. MS westward] | |
17 Involucres campanulate or narrowly turbinate, mostly 5-7.5 mm long; phyllaries in 4-5 (-6) series, often somewhat squarrose, acute to acuminate, middle ones 0.7-1.2 mm wide (linear to lanceolate), densely strigillose to almost glabrous; plants glandular (mostly stipitate-) or largely eglandular, with varied leaf size and branching; [collectively widespread]. | |
19 Stems and leaves generally eglandular (except sometimes for scattered glands on distal branches), but with dense ascending eglandular hairs; plants usually dull greyish-green, not much darkening when dried; leaves usually with gradual or irregular reduction from base of stem to summit; mid-stem leaves with length/width (2-) 2.5-4 (-4.5), not forming a distinct overlapping cluster; bracts on proximal thirds of peduncles mostly 2-3 (-5) mm wide | |
19 Stems and leaves with dense to sparse stipitate-glands, with or without eglandular hairs; plants somewhat bluish-waxy, often becoming blackish when dried; leaves abruptly reduced in size with each branching order; mid-stem leaves [directly below inflorescence] with length/width (1.5-) 2-2.5(-3), clustered and overlapping along 10-20 cm; bracts on proximal thirds of peduncles mostly 1-2 (-3) mm wide |
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1 Mid and upper stem leaves mostly linear or linear-lanceolate, nearly parallel-sided or narrowed from near strongly auriculate-clasping base; ray blades (7-) 10-15 (-20) mm; stems and leaf faces glabrous | |
2 Plants annuals, from a taproot, glabrous; involucres narrowly turbinate or cylindro-turbinate (in bloom, broadened from peduncle to apex); inflorescence open and diffuse, bracts subulate, appressed-ascending, and inconspicuous; stem leaves attenuate with strongly sheathing petioles; [subgenus Astropolium] | |
2 Plants perennials, rhizomatous or from branched caudices, usually pubescent at least in lines on stems or along leaf veins; involucres more or less campanulate (contracted above middle, less commonly cylindric); inflorescence various, bracts foliaceous (subulate in some forms of S. dumosum); stem leaves sheathing or not. | |
3 Stem leaves (below arrays) oblanceolate-elliptic or oblong-lanceolate, auriculate-clasping; inflorescences open, sparsely bracteate (bracts mostly 1-3 per peduncle, foliaceous), leaves and bracts much reduced in arrays; plants 1.5-4 (-6) dm tall; [ultramafic outcrop barrens, Clay co., NC]; [subsection Symphyotrichum, series Punicei] | |
3 Stem leaves various, not auriculate clasping; inflorescences leafy, often crowded, leaves and bracts gradually reduced (or bracts abruptly reduced, but 5-15+ per peduncle); plants (0.5-) 3-15 dm tall; [widespread in a variety of habitats] | |
4 Peduncles long (usually many on plant > 2 cm long), with copious (5-15+) small, closely-spaced, oblong or linear-subulate bracts mostly 1-4 mm long, abruptly smaller than the stem and branch leaves; plants single or somewhat cespitose (rhizomes short); phyllary apices acute to obtuse, green zones broadened near apex (oblanceolate or diamond-shaped). | |
5 Leaves and bracts thick, firm; bracts abruptly reduced from stem leaves, oblong to linear-subulate; involucres (3-) 4.5-6.3 mm, cylindro-campanulate. | |
6 Upper stems and array branches moderately to densely hirtellous; adaxial faces of upper stem and branch leaves strigoso-scabrous; phyllaries and bracts usually prominently mucronate; plants usually sparsely stipitate-glandular in arrays; [May Prairie, TN]; [subgenus Virgulus] | |
6 Upper stems and array branches strigose, mostly in lines; adaxial faces of upper stem and branch leaves glabrous to scabrous; plants eglandular; [widespread]. | |
8 Cauline leaves 3-7 cm long; branches few; peduncles long; rays 14-17 (-20) | |
8 Cauline leaves to 15 cm long; branches abundant; peduncles long, short, or absent; rays 13-25. | |
9 Stems glabrate, puberulent, or strigose; branches crowded; most peduncles short to absent, their bracts not uniform, some long and narrow. | |
10 Stems glabrate, scabrous-puberulent, or strigose with coarse hairs; inflorescence diffuse; rays 20-25 | |
4 Peduncles short (< 2 cm long), bracts gradually reduced, foliaceous; plants strongly colonial from creeping rhizomes (except S. lateriflorum and S. tradescantii); phyllary apices various, acuminate with longer or less distinct green zones in many species. | |
11 Upper stems, array branches, and both faces of leaves strigoso-scabrous or hirtellous (short, stiff, spreading hairs), usually densely so; plants usually stipitate-glandular distally (on upper stems, array branches, and leaves); leaves and bracts firm, stiffly spreading, sessile. | |
12 Leaf venation conspicuously reticulate, forming isodiametric areoles; leaf margins revolute; plants 5-15dm, arrays typically densely pyramidal with numerous, dense, often subsecund branches; [widespread] | |
12 Leaf areoles elongate and indistinct; leaf margins not revolute; plants 3-9dm, arrays loosely paniculiform; [FL]; [subgenus Virgulus] | |
13 Leaf veinlets conspicuously reticulate, forming isodiametric areoles visible on the lower surface; leaves waxy on upper surface (at least when young), the margins usually revolute and entire or weakly toothed; peduncle bracts 5-12 on well-developed peduncles, foliaceous, crowded, closely subtending and often partially obscuring involucres; ray flowers lavender or purple. | |
15 Stem puberulent in lines above; lower leaf surface subglabrous to sparsely scabrous-puberulent; [widespread west of the Appalachians] | |
15 Stem spreading puberulent throughout; lower leaf surface moderately to densely spreading-puberulent; [MO, AR, and LA westward] | |
17 Leaves thick, firm, margins recurved; involucres (4.5-) 6-8 mm; rays usually pale lavender or lilac; [coastal plain, NC south to FL and AL]. | |
18 Leaves narrowly lanceolate, serrate; plants to 15 dm tall; [wetland and upland habitats, NC to s. FL, west to s. AL] | |
17 Leaves thin, margins planar or (S. racemosum, S. eulae) recurved; involucres 3-5.6 (-6) mm (-7.2 mm in S. hesperium); rays usually white, sometimes pinkish-tinged (commonly purplish-blue in S. hesperium); [collectively widespread]. | |
20 Disc corolla lobes usually bright yellow (fading reddish-brown), lobes ca. 1/2 length of limb; rays mostly 16-26 (also keyed below); plants long-rhizomatous; abaxial leaf faces and midveins usually sparsely to densely strigose or strigillose | |
21 Plants short-rhizomatous and cespitose; leaf blades mostly < 1 cm wide, usually held erect-ascending; stems 1.5-6 dm tall, 1-3 mm wide at base; [rocky shores and river shoals, n. NJ northwards]. | |
21 Plants long-rhizomatous and colonial; leaf blades to 3 cm wide, lax or spreading; stems (3-) 6-15 dm tall, 3-6+ mm wide at base; [collectively widespread]. | |
24 Involucres (4-) 5-6.5 mm; rays mostly (20-) 27-36, blades 8-11 mm; disc corollas yellow (fading brownish); [TX] | |
24 Involucres (2.5-) 3.5-4.5 (-5.5) mm; rays mostly (12-)16-20, blades 5-8 mm; disc corollas cream-colored (fading purplish); [widespread]. | |
25 Heads densely crowded in spikelike racemes, the peduncles mostly < 7 mm long | |
25 Heads in loose racemes or scattered on branch ends, the peduncles mostly 10-20 mm long | |
22 Bracts foliaceous, not grading into phyllaries, 1-3 (-5) (disc corolla lobes < 1/2 length corolla limbs, erect to somewhat spreading); leaf margins flat, entire or with a few remote teeth; stem leaves sessile, slightly decurrent, often not much reduced upward (arrays leafy). | |
26 Outer phyllaries > 2/3 the length of the inner ones; heads usually subtended by large foliaceous bracts | |
26 Outer phyllaries 1/3-2/3 the length of the inner ones; heads not usually subtended by large foliaceous bracts. | |
27 Stems stout to slender, glabrous or at most hairy in lines at their bases; [collectively widespread]. | |
28 Heads congested on lateral branches of arrays; involucres 3-4 mm high; [PA, s. OH, n. KY, and AR northwards] | |
28 Heads not congested or congested only distally on lateral branches of arrays; involucres 3.6-5.6 (-6) mm high, and mostly > 4 mm high; [collectively widespread]. | |
29 Leaves linear to oblanceolate, reduced in arrays; involucres 3.6-5 (-6) mm high; rays white to purplish | |
29 Leaves broadly oblanceolate, not much reduced in arrays; involucres usually 4-5.6 mm; rays white |