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1 Trees, shrubs, or woody vines; [subfamilies Caesalpinioideae, Mimosoideae, and Faboideae] | |
2 Leaves 1-3-foliolate, or leaves reduced to flattened phyllodia or phyllodial spines. | |
3 Leaves pinnately compound. | |
1 Herbs (including herbaceous vines). | |
6 Leaves palmately compound, with 4 or more leaflets; [subfamily Faboideae] | |
7 Leaves pinnately compound | |
10 Leaves unifoliolate, or with leaf or leaflet blades absent, replaced by a tendril (and with foliaceous stipules) | |
10 Leaves trifoliolate (plants with some upper stem or lower stem leaves unifoliolate but with other trifoliolate leaves should be keyed here). | |
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1 Stamens 10 (or fewer); inflorescences various, the flowers larger and more diffuse; leaves 1-, 2-, or 3-foliolate, or reduced to phyllodial spines; [subfamily Faboideae or Cercidioideae] | |
3 Seeds > 5 per fruit; corolla purplish-pink, bright pink, or white; longest petals 10-100 mm long [subfamily Cercidioideae] | |
4 Leaves either unifoliolate with a deeply notched apex or 2-foliolate; flowers slightly bilaterally symmetrical; petals 1.5-8 (-10) cm long; legumes 7-30 cm long; [exotics, of FL peninsula]. | |
2 Leaves 3-foliolate, or reduced to phyllodial spines, or 1-foliolate (but then < 2 cm wide); shrubs or woody vines (rarely trees in Erythrina); [subfamily Faboideae]. | |
7 Leaves eglandular beneath; terminal leaflets 5-20 cm long. | |
10 Shrub with angled or flanged green twigs; leaves palmately trifoliolate, unifoliolate, or reduced to spine-tipped phyllodes; [introduced]; [tribe Genisteae]. | |
11 Flowers bright yellow; calyx 3-15 mm long; [tribe Genisteae] | |
13 Leaves 1-foliolate throughout; corolla either 10-14 mm or 20-25 mm long | |
10 Shrub or tree with twigs various, but not conspicuously green or flanged; leaves pinnately trifoliolate or unifoliolate. | |
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1 Leaves variously modified from strict 2-even-pinnateness, either with 1) a mixture (on a tree) of 1-even-pinnate and 2-even-pinnate leaves, and/or 2) the pinnae or leaflets often subopposite or fully alternate, and/or 3) with an odd number of pinnae per leaf (the tip of the rachis with a pair of lateral pinnae and a terminal pinna, but the leaflets of the pinnae still in opposite pairs), and/or 4) the basal pair of pinnae evolutionarily replaced by a single pair of leaflets larger than the other leaflets. | |
2 Flowers small, inconspicuous, in catkin like-racemes or racemes of racemes; perianth greenish-white or greenish-yellow, with a cylindrical hypanthium to 10 mm long and shorter perianth lobes; flowers mostly unisexual; large trees; fruits woody and indehiscent at maturity, 1-5 cm wide[ collectively widespread in our region, but absent from s. FL and s. TX]. | |
3 Leaves characteristically a mixture (on a tree) of 1-even-pinnate (mainly on spurs) and 2-even-pinnate (mainly on new growth), the pinnae and the leaflets strictly opposite or subopposite; leaflets 1.5-4 cm long, acute to rounded at the apex; trunks with simple, trident, or multiply branched thorns to 20 cm long (or unarmed) | |
3 Leaves all 2-even-pinnate, the basalmost "pinna pair" usually replaced by a pair of leaflets larger than the others, the pinnae and the leaflets often 'straying' to subopposite or fully alternate arrangement (some pinnae appearing odd-pinnate); leaflets 3-6 cm long, acuminate at the apex; trunks unarmed | |
2 Flowers either with conspicuous petals or aggregated into spikes or spherical heads with showy stamens; petals either (Caesalpinoids) yellow, orange, red, or (Mimosoids) the tubular perianth whorls less conspicuous than the stamens, these yellow to orange; flowers bisexual; small shrubs, shrubs, small or medium trees, or large trees (if large trees, then of tropical parts of our region); fruits papery or chartaceous (rarely woody), often < 2 cm wide; [collectively widespread, including of s. FL and s. TX]. | |
1 Leaves strictly 2-even-pinnate (with pinna pairs borne opposite one another and no pinna terminal on the rachis, and with leaflets also born in opposite pairs). | |
6 Pinna pairs 1-6 (-7) per leaf; leaflets 4-ca. 250 per leaf. | |
9 Shrub, small tree, or scrambling liana; branches armed with straight nodal spines or internodal catclaw prickles. | |
10 Branches armed with paired, straight, nodal spines, these simple or 3-branched; branches and larger stems green, photosynthetic; flowers caesalpinoid, 2-2.5 cm in diameter. | |
10 Branches armed with catclaw prickles scattered along internodes; branches and stems brown; flowers caesalpinoid or mimosoid. | |
11 Shrub; flowers mimosoid, aggregated into spherical inflorescences 9-15 mm in diameter | |
12 Branches unarmed. | |
19 Spherical inflorescences 6-13 mm in diameter; stamens free; fruits turgid, cylindrical, about 1 cm in diameter (wide and thick) | |
24 Branches usually armed with paired, straight, nodal spines; inflorescences cylindrical; stamens 10 | |
25 Stamens connate basally into a tube. | |
31 Branches unarmed. | |
32 Fruits 30-60 cm long, woody, persistent and indehiscent on the tree; flowers caesalpinoid, scarlet and yellow, 8-10 cm across; rachis with spheroidal projections at the nodes; petiole lacking glands | |
33 Spherical heads white, cream, or pale yellow, 0.5-2.2 cm in diameter. | |
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1 Flowers with 5 petals, 2 fused to form the keel (papilionaceous); corolla rose, yellow, orange, red, pink, or white; [subfamily Faboideae]. | |
2 Shrubs; stamens 10, diadelphous (9 and 1). | |
3 Leaflet pairs 4-6. | |
4 Leaflets 10-25 mm long; corolla 15-20 mm long, yellow; [non-native cultivated and sparingly established] | |
5 Shrub or small tree (< 5 m tall); sepals 5, petals 5, functional stamens 6-10; [Caesalpinoid clade]. | |
7 Leaflets 0.6-1.0 cm long, coriaceous, the venation raised-reticulate below; functional stamens 10; [s. TX] | |
7 Leaflets 1.5-10.5 cm long, herbaceous; functional stamens 6-7 (10 in S. surattensis); [collectively more widespread, but especially FL and s. TX] |
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1 Shrubs and trees, lacking climbing adaptations. | |
5 Corolla of 5 petals; flowers white to cream, sometimes 'fading' to dark purple; [s. FL, TX]. | |
3 Leaflets lacking punctate glands. | |
8 Lateral leaflets strictly in opposite pairs. | |
11 Corollas 14-16 mm long, blue-purple; fruit turgid and cylindrical, but torulose-constricted between the scarlet seeds; [native; TX] | |
11 Corollas 7-11 mm long, cream to white; fruit flattened, not constricted between the tan to light brown seeds; [non-native] | |
12 Fruit 2-9 cm long, membranaceous, with 4 broad, tan, ruffled wings and 1-6 black seeds; stamens monadelphous | |
14 Corollas 15-30 mm long, white, pink, purplish, or bright yellow or coppery; fruit a legume, seeds several; leaflets 2-6 cm long; [collectively widespread] | |
15 Corollas bright yellow or coppery; fruits about as thick as wide, either bladdery-inflated or moniliform (like beads on a string). | |
16 Fruits bladdery-inflated, 50-70 mm long, 20-30 mm in diameter; stamens diadelphous; [cultivated ornamental, rarely establishing] | |
16 Fruits moniliform (like beads on a string), 100-200 mm long, 7-8 mm in diameter at the seeds, 1-2 mm in diameter between the seeds; stamens free; [native of coastal peninsular FL and TX]. | |
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1 Leaflets 5 or more (at least on the largest and best developed leaves); corolla blue, pink, or violet (except yellow in Lupinus luteus). | |
3 Leaflets linear to very narrowly oblanceolate, 0.5-2.0 (-3.5) mm wide, > 10× as long as wide; [Coastal Plain] | |
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4 Coarse climbing or sprawling suffruticose herbs, the stems to 6 m long, and usually armed with retrorsely curved prickles; [Caesalpinoidaeae] | |
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1 Flowers nearly regular; stamens 5-10, separate; [subfamily Caesalpinioideae, tribe Cassieae]. | |
6 Leaflets 20-60 per leaf; strong herbs (or woody) 1-4 m tall, simultaneously erect, > 1 m tall, and with stems usually > 5 mm in diameter | |
7 Fruit a loment, with single-seeded segments separated by sutures; stamens monadelphous or diadelphous in 2 phalanges of 5; [tribe Aeschynomeneae] | |
6 Leaflets 4-18 per leaf; weak or sprawling herbs to 1.5 m long, with weak stems usually < 5 mm in diameter (or if thicker, then < 1 m long; stamens monadelphous or diadelphous. | |
3 Tendrils present in the terminal position on some or all leaves; stamens diadelphous; [tribe Fabeae]. | |
10 Stipules smaller, typically much smaller than the leaflets. | |
12 Style stout, flattened or folded, with a dense longitudinal band of hairs longitudinally arrayed along the inner side; stems ridged, angled, or longitudinally winged; leaflets 2-6 (-8) cm long; calyx 5-12 mm long | |
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3 Ovaries (and later fruits) with dense, hooked prickles (looking like a miniature cocklebur, Xanthium); leaves and stems glandular-punctate with brown or black glands; stamens diadelphous (9 and 1); [rare waif in our area]; [tribe Galegeae] | |
3 Ovaries (and later fruits) glabrous, glandular, or hairy; leaves and stems glabrous, variously hairy, but not glandular-punctate (except Dalea); stamens 5-10, monadelphous, diadelphous, or separate; [collectively widespread]. | |
4 Leaflets entire. | |
5 Hairs dolabriform (with 2 branches parallel to the surface and pointing at 180° from each other). | |
5 Hairs basifixed. | |
8 Loments cylindrical, jointed but not noticeably constricted between the seeds; Inflorescence an umbel of (7-) 10-15 flowers; [tribe Loteae] | |
8 Loments flattened, prominently constricted between the seeds; inflorescence a raceme or umbel of 2-8 flowers. | |
10 Inflorescences pedunculate, axillary racemes; leaflets eglandular; fruits dehiscent; [tribe Galegeae] | |
10 Inflorescences terminal racemes, spikes, or heads; leaflets glandular-punctate or not; fruits indehiscent. | |
12 Fruit a loment (constricted between each seed and splitting into single-seeded segments); petals primarily yellow (sometimes also marked with pink or orange); [of the se. Coastal Plain, from e. GA southwards and westwards]; [tribe Dalbergieae]. | |
12 Fruit a legume (lacking constrictions between the seeds); petals variously colored; [collectively widespread]. | |
14 Ovaries (and later fruits) with dense, hooked prickles; leaves and stems glandular-punctate with brown or black glands; stamens diadelphous (9 and 1); [rare waif in our area]; [tribe Galegeae] | |
14 Ovaries (and later fruits) glabrous, glandular, or hairy; leaves and stems glabrous, variously hairy, but not glandular-punctate (except Dalea); stamens 5-10, monadelphous, diadelphous, or separate; [collectively widespread]. | |
15 Plants with basal rosettes, the basal and cauline leaves a mixture of simple and pinnately compound; [rare waif in our area]; [tribe Loteae] | |
16 Plants erect or ascending herbs. | |
17 Leaves with 5-9 (or fewer or more and then keyed elsewhere), the lower leaflets positioned above a definite petiole. | |
18 Hairs dolabriform (with 2 branches parallel to the surface and pointing at 180° from each other; petals reddish orange and/or with some pink or salmon; flowers papilionaceous; stamens 10, diadelphous (9+1); leaflets often > 5 mm wide; legume 3+-seeded; flowers 5-12 mm long, in racemes; [tribe Indigofereae] | |
18 Hairs basifixed; petals of various colors; flowers not papilionaceous, barely bilaterally symmetrical; stamens 5, monadelphous; leaflets 0.5-5 mm wide; legume 1-seeded; flowers very small, < 5.5 mm long, aggregated into tight spike; [tribe Amorpheae] | |
19 Hairs dolabriform (with 2 branches parallel to the surface and pointing at 180° from each other; petals reddish orange and/or with some pink or salmon; [tribe Indigofereae] | |
19 Hairs basifixed; petals of various colors; [tribe Phaseoleae]. | |
20 Flower usually solitary, resupinate (twisted at 180° so that the standard is below); standard 3.5-5 cm long | |
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1 Tendrils present on plant; leaves modified into tendrils (leaflike structures present clearly interpretable as stipules); [tribe Fabeae]. | |
3 Leaflet blades roundish, 0.6-1.5× as long as wide. | |
4 Leaves with a well-developed petiole, > 0.5 cm long. | |
6 Corolla bright or creamy yellow; stamens separate; leaves all 1-foliolate; leaflet blades perfoliate or sessile; [tribe Thermopsideae] | |
6 Corolla violet to blue (drying pale); stamens diadelphous; leaves 1-foliolate and with some leaves 3-foliolate or 2-foliolate; leaflet blades cuneate, subsessile; [tribe Psoraleeae] | |
3 Leaflet blades elongate, 1.5-15× as long as wide. | |
8 Leaflet blades oblanceolate, widest well past the midpoint of the blade; flowers yellow; legume coiled; [rare waif]; [tribe Loteae] | |
7 Leaves all or primarily cauline. | |
12 Corolla 5-7 mm long, lavender or cream; [widespread in our area] | |
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1 Stamens separate, unfused; stipules (at least the lower on the stem) often persistent, foliaceous, not striate; corollas yellow, white, or purple-blue. | |
2 Legumes laterally compressed; corolla yellow; [primarily montane, elsewhere as an escape from cultivation] | |
1 Stamens monadelphous or diadelphous; stipules either caducous or well-developed and persistent, and then separate or adnate to the petiole; corollas pink, blue, violet, yellow, or white. | |
3 Stamens monadelphous; corollas 7-20 mm long. | |
5 Plants eglandular | |
3 Stamens diadelphous (9 and 1); corollas 3-16 mm long. | |
7 Foliage eglandular; corollas purple, pink, red, or white. | |
9 Lateral veins of each leaflet complicatedly and irregularly arrayed; leaflets denticulate; [tribe Trifolieae] |
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1 Leaflets denticulate (sometimes inconspicuously so); [tribe Trifolieae]. | |
2 Inflorescences elongate racemes with an axis 5-15 cm long, the flowers well-spaced along the axis, the overall inflorescence much longer than its diameter | |
2 Inflorescences umbellate or headlike clusters or short racemes with an axis < 2 cm long, the flowers closely clustered, the overall inflorescence little (if at all) longer than its diameter. | |
3 Legumes straight or nearly so, never tuberculate or prickly; stems terete or flattened (2-angled) towards the tip | |
1 Leaflets entire (and sometimes also with 1 or 2 broad lobes), or with scattered, irregular large teeth (Pachyrhizus erosus). | |
5 Flowers not papilionaceous (the wings and keel epistemonous, arising terminally or laterally from the stamen tube), barely bilaterally symmetrical; stamens 5, monadelphous; [tribe Amorpheae] | |
6 Plants with separate leafy and flowering stems (the flowering stems naked or nearly so of leaves). | |
9 Corollas pink or lavender/purplish; leaflets estipellate; fruit 1-seeded, indehiscent; [tribe Psoraleae] | |
9 Corollas yellow; leaflets stipellate; fruit 2-many-seeded, dehiscent; [tribe Phaseoleae, subtribe Cajaninae] | |
8 Leaves, stems, and calyces lacking punctate glands. | |
10 Leaflet blades large, at least the largest terminal leaflets on a plant > 5 cm long. | |
12 Fruit a legume (not segmented into 1-seed dispersal units), hairy but the hairs not hooked; [plants cultivated as garden plants, rare as waifs] | |
12 Fruit a loment (separating into single-seeded segments), uncinulate (with hooked hairs, the fruits attaching to hairs or clothes as 'stick-tights'); [plants widespread, common] | |
13 Fruit a legume (not segmented into 1-seed dispersal units), hairy but the hairs not hooked; [plants cultivated as crops or garden plants, rare as waifs] | |
10 Leaflet blades smaller, all on a plant < 5 cm long. | |
15 Stipels absent on the petiolules of mature leaflets. | |
17 Fruits indehiscent: either 1-seeded, or a loment with 2 or more one-seeded (indehiscent) segments. | |
19 Petioles free from stipules, leaves evidently petiolate; corollas white to pink; flowers pedicellate; fruit either 1-seeded, or a loment normally with 3+ segments | |
20 Fruit a loment, with 1-3 segments; terminal leaflets 3-10 cm long, 1-1.5× as long as wide; stamens monadelphous | |
20 Fruit 1-seeded; terminal leaflets 1-5 cm long, 1.2-8× as long as wide; stamens diadelphous (9 and 1) | |
21 Leaves, stems, and calyces lacking punctate glands; corollas yellow, pink, purplish, white, red, blue. | |
22 Leaflet blades smaller, all on a plant < 5 cm long. | |
23 Stipels absent on the petiolules of mature leaflets. | |
26 Fruit a loment (separating into single-seeded segments), uncinulate (with hooked hairs, the fruits attaching to hairs or clothes as 'stick-tights'). | |
28 Flowers resupinate (the pedicel twisted 180 degrees), the banner 2.5-5.5 cm long and positioned lowermost. | |
22 Leaflet blades large, at least the largest terminal leaflets on a plant > 5 cm long. | |
35 Stipels present, persistent (minute in Amphicarpaea); stamens diadelphous (9 and 1) or monadelphous (Pueraria). | |
36 Stamens monadelphous; robust herbaceous vine with stems to 30 m long; flowers purple, when fresh smelling like artificial grape flavoring. | |
36 Stamens diadelphous (9 and 1); herbaceous vines with stems usually < 5 m long; flowers various in color, not 'grapy' in odor. | |
37 Flowers not resupinate, the banner (standard) uppermost; banner (standard) < 25 mm long, or if up to 30 mm then not much longer than the other petals. | |
42 Leaflets with entire margins (sometimes with 1-2 rounded lobes); roots slender | |
43 Corolla < 2 cm long; fruits constricted or not; fruits glabrous or hairy, the hairs not stinging. | |
47 Flowers arrayed differently; upper calyx lobes separate. | |